Reward camo for Remembering Kursk marathon – Fiery arc – pictures

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8 thoughts on “Reward camo for Remembering Kursk marathon – Fiery arc – pictures

  1. Goddamn baby Jesus on a bicycle. How hard can it be for these monkeys to make a camouflage?? Every single one they put out looks the same and boring.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So the florescent orange football camo is the “same and boring”? Personally I think that camos and paint schemes like that should actually hurt your camo rating.


    1. That “propaganda” inscription literally says: “75 years of the Battle of Kursk”

      I fail to see how is that propaganda of any sort?

      Also, I find your lack of Cyrillic comprehension disturbing… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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