News: 9.14 Release Date & Upcoming Polish Tank

Patch 0.9.14 is expected to arrive right after the 8th March.

The next Polish tank is now known, it is the medium 14TP L42 50mm on tier 5.

32 thoughts on “News: 9.14 Release Date & Upcoming Polish Tank

  1. looks a lot like a sleeker crusader also this may be a stupid question but i have to ask are the polish tanks forming a full line? or are they going to be premium machines in another line?


  2. hopefully its not as bad as the crusader, aka inferior to T-34 in basically all ways but camo on the move.

    also RIP 9.14 if WG was trying to attract players, making the pub stomper IS-6 stronger was not the path to go down. specially since they removing its hull weakspot and making it so people shoot gold first cause aiming wont help you worth a damn


      1. prefer the crusader to the tank shown above? or T-34?

        cause T-34 is superior in basically all fields.

        dpm, pen, alpha, accuracy, (Crusader “has” 12 gun depression, but only on the side. frontally its the same 8 degrees of T-34), armor(important as T-34 is HE resistant. crusader isn’t), top speed,

        crusader is a bit more mobile. but with the top speed of crusader. it wont help much.;5l00000.c:crusader


    1. Never was a clone. I was asking if the Polish will get a full techtree. I don’t care if they get hightier clones


  3. Premium medium tank? Judging by japan and czech trees another medium line is coming.

    Looks like medium tanks will be the new black after the flood of lights (just for the record I enjoy both classes).


  4. I hope they do have a whole line to introduce. It looks like at least half the line is unique. Who cares if there are copies as long as there are little tweaks. If this line keeps players or even brings in more it’s worth it


  5. That’s not the 14TP.

    It’s drawing known as the: Polnische Kampfpanzer 39TP

    Those were published in the western by Horst Schaibert as the image of “Polnische Kampfpanzer 39TP” and then reconstructed by J. Magnuski and reprinted in Poland, they are a fake documents deliberately crafted by the 2nd Branch of Misinformation Cell of the General Staff, purposeful foisted off upon the Germans and the Appearance of the 14TP tank is more similar to the 10TP tank than might to be supposed.


        1. My sources are not internet blogs neither sites…

          My article bellow and information above come from militaria and historical magazines:
          – Nowa Technika Wojskowa „Broń Wojska Polskiego”
          – Poligon nr 1/2009
          – J. Magnuski, Czołg 10TP, Nowa Technika Wojskowa nr. 6/96
          – J. Magnuski, Armor in profile 1 / Pancerne profile 1, Pelta, Warsaw 1997
          – P. Chamberlain, Ch. Ellis, Tanks Of The World, 1915-1945, Cassel & Co


          1. If U look closely and examine this drawing U will see a:
            – hull of UK COMET prototype
            – turret shape of Cromwell with german Commanders dome
            – Panther / Tiger like exhaust pipes
            – Chassis of Christie tanks design
            – Bofors wz.36 gun from 7TP with new cast mantle and longer barrel.


  6. Light (Assault) Tank 14-TP

    While in relation to the 10TP tank, we have rather full information (including photographs, allowing the restoration of it’s appearance in drawings), then information related to the tank 14TP are quite rudimentary.​ The report on the state of armored warfare presented at the KSUS meeting in January 1937, contains the characteristics of different vehicles in the form of side sketches with the overall dimensions and the essential technical and tactical data.​ In these materials, the drawing of the 14TP is identical to the drawing of the 10TP, but later it’s appearance can be changed, because the design was in the even development stage.

    Independently of wheel – tracked cruiser tank 10TP, the program provided development of tank with construction was similar to 10TP but with armor reaching a thickness of 10 – 35 mm. It have designation 14TP and was under development parallel to the cruiser tank 10TP.
    10TP trails proved that the concept of wheel – tracked tank is a dead end, the tank even as a refined design wouldn’t have such qualities that could justify mass production.

    The Successor of 10TP – 14TP repeated design of 10TP with same chassis system. However, this tank has to move solely on tracks and featured engine of 300hp. power. He had to reach speed of 50 km / h.
    Has changed shape of front hull, designers resigned from the steering mechanism of the first axle, hydraulic lifting mechanism of second axle and of complex gear driving the rear wheels. During the 10TP trails engineers conducting research reported many reservations about the complex driving gear wheel, in practice become clear this complex rear ger wasn’t used because tank could move on wheeled traction only on the hard roads while any atemp to off-road driving ends of tank being stuck. In such situation, the complex gear did only unnecessary strain on the vehicle and took precious hull space with could be saved for the better armor, ammunition and fuel.

    The front plate of the hull had to be probably a single plate inclined at a large angle. Water cooled Browning wz.30 machine gun mounted in heavy armored mantle of front hull, supposed to be replaced with prototype Air Cooled Type-C machine gun mounted in much lighter and simpler ball joke of eng. Napiórkowski.

    Weapons mounted in turret and the turret it self suppose to be similar to the ones of 10TP, but the Browning wz.30 in heavy armored mantle has to be replaced with prototype Type-C machine gun in a simpler Napiórkowski ball mantle. Probably in the future the main gun of tank could be the prototype anti tank gun of cpt. Stetkiewicz design. Turret has to be made of thicker armor plates (35-50mm), it is known that such turret was in development in spring of 1939r. perhaps for its development was used prototype turret of 10TP. Design of welded armor of this were entrusted to debuting Eng. Stefan Stankiewicz. Amazingly, for the armor of the new tower Eng. Stankiewicz did use plates of only 20mm thickness. Perhaps due to the troubles associated with the implementation of technology required fo manufacture of bent armor plates of a greater thickness.

    Tank project was completed at the beginning of 1938. And transferred to the Experimental Workshop of the B.B.T.Br.Panc., Where was planned to build a prototype. Due to further enlargement of tank mass decided to use engine of greater power exceeding 300-400hp (this has to be light assault tank of high speed reached on tracked traction). American La-France engine bought for the 10TP seemed to be too weak and faulty, and the engine of Polish design, developed in PZInż (design of engineer Z. Rytel and J. Werner), was only in trails and building prototypes phase. The most appropriate was the German Maybach HL108 engine with power of 221 kW (300 hp), it has been already considered into account in 1937. during early development stage of 10TP, It was about 200 kg lighter than a American La France and reached by almost half as much power. However, despite many efforts and attempts to buy the HL108 with semi-automated gear-boxes in Germany… the 10TP had to be driven further with unreliable American La France. The case was so important that it was even an attempt to bring the engine to the Poland through help of Sweden, because the Germans (in 1937) did not agree to sell fewer than 8 ~ 10 engines., with qty. Polish side simply could not afford. However, the most likely to the September of 1939. Maybach buy failed, although some documents say that a new engine has been obtained with could be mounted it in the prototype of 14TP. After the war In the 60’s Leon Czekalski (a officer who did test drive of 10TP) recalled that 10TP was tested with two different engines, and on 2nd one waited for the long time…

    The question of the degree of completion of the prototype tank 14TP remains open.
    Official report of B.B.T.Br.Panc in June 1938. state information that construction works on the “light tracked tank” were almost finished, with 60% of components being already ordered, of which already received the tracks and leaf springs. In July, 1938. was Expected to receive the engine and gear-boxes, which could allow building and first trails of prototype in March of 1939. Meanwhile cpt. Czekalski after the defeat in the September written a report claimed that in 1938. were carried out studies on the tank 14TP​, and a wooden mockup was build in 1939r.

    In light of this information, it appears that the drawings of the alleged 14TP tank, published in the western by Horst Schaibert as the image of “Polnische Kampfpanzer 39TP” and then reconstructed by J. Magnuski and reprinted in Poland, were a fake documents deliberately crafted by the 2nd Branch of Misinformation Cell of the General Staff, purposeful foisted off upon the Germans and the Appearance of the 14TP tank is more similar to the 10TP tank than might to be supposed.


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